nuclear energy 核能 (=atomic energy)。
核能 (=atomic energy)。 “nuclear“ 中文翻譯: adj. 1.核的,成核的;有核的。 2.【物理學】原子 ...“energy“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.干勁,活力。 2.(語言、行為等的)生動。 3 ...“nuclear energy and nuclear technology“ 中文翻譯: 核能與核技術工程“african commission on nuclear energy“ 中文翻譯: 非洲原子能委員會“brazilian council of nuclear energy“ 中文翻譯: 巴西原子能委員會“british nuclear energy conference“ 中文翻譯: 英國核能會議“british nuclear energy society“ 中文翻譯: 英國核能學會“characteristics of nuclear energy“ 中文翻譯: 核能特征“chemistry of nuclear energy“ 中文翻譯: 核能化學; 原子能化學“chilean nuclear energy commission“ 中文翻譯: 智利核能委員會“department of nuclear energy and safety“ 中文翻譯: 核能和安全司“energy of nuclear fission“ 中文翻譯: 核裂變能“european nuclear energy agency“ 中文翻譯: 歐洲核能機構; 歐洲核能局“european nuclear energy tribunal“ 中文翻譯: 歐洲核能法庭“fissionable material for nuclear energy“ 中文翻譯: 核能用可裂變物質“government commission of nuclear energy“ 中文翻譯: 秘魯核能委員會“high energy nuclear chemistry“ 中文翻譯: 高能核化學“high-energy nuclear chemistry“ 中文翻譯: 高能核化學“high-energy nuclear physics“ 中文翻譯: 高能核物理學“interamerican nuclear energy commission“ 中文翻譯: 泛美核能委員會“latent nuclear energy“ 中文翻譯: 潛在的核能“low energy nuclear spectrum“ 中文翻譯: 低能核譜“lowest free nuclear energy“ 中文翻譯: 最低自由核能“medium energy nuclear physics“ 中文翻譯: 中能核物理學“medium-energy nuclear physics“ 中文翻譯: 中能核物理學
nuclear family |
Nuclear energy - soxhlet - mode chemical durability test - application to vitrified matrixes for high - level radioactive waste 核能.索格利特式耐化學性試驗.高放射性廢棄物用陶瓷玻化容器 |
Nuclear energy - measurement of radioactivity in the environment - bioindicators - part 2 : guidance for sampling technicals 核能.環境中放射性的測量.生物指示劑.第2部分:取樣技術指南 |
Nuclear energy - nuclear fuel cycle technology - waste - determination of tritium activity in waste by liquid scintillation 核能.核燃料循環技術.用液體閃爍法對廢料中氚的活性的測定 |
Projects involving nuclear energy , large - scale hydro - electric power and waste incineration do not contribute to sustainability 核能、大規模水電和廢物焚燒的項目無助于可持續發展。 |
Nuclear energy - nuclear fuel technology - waste - determination of carbone 14 activity in waste by liquid scintillation 核能.核燃料技術.廢棄物.用液體閃爍法測定廢棄物中碳14活性 |
Nuclear energy . measurement of radioactivity in the environment - soil . part 3 : methodology for soil samples pretreatment 原子能.環境土壤中放射性的測量.第3部分:土壤樣品預處理方法 |
Nuclear energy . measurement of radioactivity in the environment - soil . part 4 : methodology for soil samples dissolution 原子能.環境土壤中放射性的測量.第4部分:土壤樣品溶解方法 |
With the development of nuclear energy , more attention has been given to the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel 隨著核電事業的發展,動力堆乏燃料后處理引起了人們廣泛關注。 |
Nuclear energy ; performance and testing requirements for criticality detection and alarm systems ; identical with iso 7753 : 1987 核能.臨界狀態探測和報警系統的性能和試驗要求 |
The government is firmly committed to ( maintaining ) its nuclear energy programme , and is very unlikely to change its policy 政府堅決擁護核能計畫,并且不大可能改變政策。 |
It is widely used in many fields , such as electric power , nuclear energy , traffic , petrochemistry and so on 目前在電力、核能、交通和石油工業等領域有較廣泛的用途。 |
High - speed trains , nuclear energy , the aerospace industry , good state schools : all testify to this 高速列車、核能、宇航工業、良好的公立學校等等這一切都證明了這一點。 |
The venezuelan leader said on thursday that he does not rule out the development of nuclear energy in his country 委內瑞拉領導人周四稱他沒有排出本國發展核能的計劃。 |
Nuclear energy - measurement of radioactivity in the environment - water - measurement of radium 226 activity in water 核能.環境放射性的測量.水.水中鐳226活性的測量 |
Subsequently bush visited india on march 2 and signed a nuclear energy cooperation agreement with india 隨后,小布希于3月2日訪問印度,與印度簽下核子能源合作協定。 |
Nuclear energy - measurement of radioactivity in the environment - bioindicators - part 0 : general principles 核能.環境中放射性的測量.生物指示劑.第0部分:一般原理 |
Nuclear energy - determination of carbon compounds and fluorides in uranium hexafluoride infrared spectrometry 核能.紅外線光譜法測定六氟化鈾中炭化合物和氟化物 |
A report by the tops task force of the u . s . nuclear energy research advisory committe ( nerac ) 一篇由美國核能研究顧問委員會的技術運作和生產工作小組所寫的報告。 |
Nuclear energy . protection against radiations . shielding windows against gamma radiations for concrete shielded walls 核能.輻射防護.水泥掩蔽的伽嗎射線遮蔽窗 |